6 Haziran 2012 Çarşamba

Hugh Woods, Psyhcology Erasmus Student

1-Do you know Turkey's prime minister? Whats her/his name?

Erdoğan, dont know what is his first name is though, but if I saw a picture of him I would recognise him.

2-What do you know about Turkey's prime minister?

I don’t know much about him, I know he’s been in power since 2003? But after that not too much

3-What do you know about Turkey current news?

Current news, well I know there set to host international talks between Iran and others in Istanbul soon. I was at the mayday protests on Tuesday. I know little about the pkk conflict to just about the bombings etc. I also know that people in Tarlabası are being moved to a different part of the city as the government wants to refurbish the area

4-Do you know about artist protest in Turkey? What do you think about this situation?

No, thats the simple answer to that question…

5-Do you know Ahmet Şık? What do you think about him?

Also no, dunno who he is.

6-What do you think about football in Turkey?

Fucking love it! I think the commitment that supporters show to the team is great, as long as the support doesn’t result in violence I’m all for the supports show. I think people take football serious over here maybe it’s just in Istanbul that they take it seriously but I’m not sure

7-Which team do you know team in Turkey? Why?

Besiktas, Galatasaray, Fenerbahce, Trabzonspor are the ones I know, I know the teams from Istanbul and I have been in Trabzonspor. I also know Bursa have a team but I don’t know the name of the team.

8-What do you think about the general condition of Turkey? (Ex:people,space..)

I have found people over here to be very helpful, much more so then in Ireland, when you ask for help they are much more willing to help. As a lot of people I talked to before didn’t have the many positive things to say about them, but they were all so wrong!
I do wonder how a lot of people earn a living (make money) though as many people seem to sit around drinking cay all the time! And lots of shops sell the exact same things as the shop beside them so I wonder how they earn money space em Istanbul is the biggest city I have ever been, everywhere I look there is more of the city, I think its interesting to see how the poor people in Tarlabası live so close to the main street of  Istiklal, as in Ireland the poor areas are far away from the main streets. I think though that the Turkish government could do better, for instance I started school at age 4 but over here you dont start til 7…


Suudi Arabistan’lı iş adamı Muhammed Shaman M. Al-Mugherah,

Bursa’ya büyük bir yatırım yaparak, otomotiv yedek parça imalatı yapacak

şirket ve içinde Hollywood ve Disneyland gibi film platolarının bulunduğu

termal tesis kurmak istiyor. Bu iki yatırımın toplam 2 milyar dolar değerinde

olacağı söyleniyor. Bu oluşum, Bursa hatta Türkiye için büyük bir gelir kaynağı

olabilir. Ülkeye para girişi sağlanır ve turizm gelirleri artar, bir çok yerli-yabancı

turistin ilgisini çeker ve böylece ekonomik açıdan olumlu gelişmeler yaşanabilir.

Ayrıca çok sayıda işsiz ya da yaptığı işten memnnun olmayan vatandaşlarımıza

iş olanağı sağlanır. Bu açıdan 11 Mayıs 2012 Cuma tarihli bu haber bana önemli

geldi. Bu söylediklerimi Arap iş adamının şu sözleriyle kanıtlayabilirim:

“Sizden Suudi Arabistan yatırımlarını yönlendirmek adına iki önemli talebimiz


 İlk talebimiz olarak 1500-2 bin Türk çalışanına iş olanağı sağlayacak

olan otomotiv parçaları üretecek, yeni şirketimiz için 100 bin metrekarelik

sanayi arsasının tahsis edilmesi. İkinci olarak da Disneyland ve Hollywood

benzeri film platolarının yer alacağı büyük bir cazibe merkezi oluşturmak. Bu

konuda elverişli bir arazide 1 milyon metrekarelik bir alanı tahsis edilmesini rica
